Rainy Day Bees Summer Nucleus Hive

Rainy Day Bees Summer Nucleus Hive
Nucs are now listed for 2025. Summer nucs with local queens will be available when the weather allows. For good mating weather (and well-mated, long-lived queens), it is unlikely that Summer nucs with local queens will be available before mid-June.
5 deep frames or 8 medium frames of healthy bees, brood, honey, and a queen. When possibly, our summer nucs' queens are raised in their nuc and get to lay for an extended period. Even when introduced, the queens are given a full month to acclimate to their nuc, so you will never get an unaccepted queen in a cage. No box returns necessary on Deep nucs. Medium nucs will come in a plywood nuc box, which we would like back (Medium nuc price includes a $25 refundable box and strap deposit). Nucleus hives must be picked up in Shoreline. We do not ship bees.
These nucs are raised by Rainy Day Bees in the Seattle area.
- Summer nucleus hives are usually available from late June through September. Summer nucs are made up from our honey bee stock, using a queen raised by Rainy Day Bees or another local queen producer. Please contact us to confirm availability and timing.
- All nucleus hive purchasers are automatically subscribed to our annual nuc purchaser list, which includes periodic emails regarding what you should be seeing/doing in your hives at a given time of year, as well as anything that we are noticing in our hives that is unique to this year. You may request to opt out via email.
We are a family-run business bringing you ultra local honey that is raw and unfiltered. Our hives are located throughout the Puget Sound region.
When there's a honey we need for you that we can't produce ourselves, we source it directly from other responsible local beekeepers.