Mid-Summer Update
I thought it was finally time to post an update! Where are we? What are we up to? How are the bees? We love answering all of your questions at the Farmer's Markets.
This year is our first year with Peter full-time beekeeping and we are running about 70 hives in 30 different locations at this point in the year. Unfortunately, due to the wet spring, our honey production has been very slow. We have harvested honey from Victory Heights and Ridgecrest, and are about to harvest honey from Pinehurst and Broadview.
We can be found every Saturday at the Shoreline Farmers Market, and sporadic Thursdays at the Lake City Farmers Market. Check our Facebook page for updates on when we are at Lake City.
We also have been working on a few new products including beeswax candles and a beeswax and oil wood conditioning cream for cutting boards and wooden spoons. We'll post more about all of that soon!
As always, thanks for supporting local bees.
And here's a sneak peek at our new Beeswax Wood Butter: